Google Assistant will tell you exactly when and where to vote, so you can go vote

  • You can ask Google Assistant where you should go to vote, and it will tell you.
  • In fact, it will tell you the precise address and open hours of the polling place you should visit based on your home address.
  • Armed with that info, you can go out and vote.

If you live in the United States, chances are good you know today is a special day. Today is the 2018 midterm election day where every single seat in both the House of Representatives and the Senate are being contested.

If this is the first you’re hearing about it somehow and you are finding yourself ill-prepared for where you should go to perform your civic duty by voting for your preferred candidates, don’t sweat it: Google Assistant has got you covered.

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All you have to do is say, “Hey Google, where should I go to vote?” to any of your Assistant-enabled devices, which could be your smartphone, your Google Home hardware, or even your television. Google Assistant will then respond with the precise address and open hours of the polling place you should visit based on your home address.

I tried it myself and it worked amazingly well. Check it out below:

That’s exactly where I went to vote this morning, so kudos to Google for dishing out legit info.

Once you’re done voting in this very important election, you should come back here and vote both for your favorite app on the Google Play Store as well as your favorite Android smartphone of the year. Seriously, though, don’t vote for those things until you go out and vote for the important stuff first. This is like dinner at home: you eat your vegetables before you can have dessert.

NEXT: Best of Android: Reader’s choice voting begins

from Android Authority
